A good challenge: Walk the aisles of the Tucson Gem and Mineral show, and mentally buy the ones you like! I confess, I spent millions in less than 100 yards wow! Here, in order of appearance: rhodochrosite, emerald, again rhodochrosite, native silver, kunzite, fluorite/barite acanthite, native copper and ruby red beryl. Impressive specimens that adorn the museums and private collections, like that of Rep. Romero de Tehuacan Puebla, a beautiful museum with amazing specimens such as legrandita, adamite, pyrites from Naica, etc. I used to take my students to this museum on an unforgettable journey of two days, after visiting the museum, Dr. Romero used to take us to a tour around his state of the art chicken farm. I lost track of my students, and obviously of the Mineral Museum of Tehuacan, unique in Mexico at least in the 80's, of course, the Deputy Romero died a few years ago.
In a recent visit I did to a gem & mineral show in Houston, I saw specimens worth almost $100,000 USD, I could not believe it. That inspired my title of this post. May 2011
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